Hivecom is a community of friends from all around Europe. Playing video games and creating things together. We are always happy to welcome anyone willing to join and hang out. We host some gaming servers as well as regular hangouts on teamspeak.
Join us!
We mainly talk on IRC and TeamSpeak. If discord is your thing, we have a bot connecting both services so you won't be excluded. Just join the #lounge channel.
About us
The community was originally created by the three server administrators: Catlinman, Jokler and Trif. All
three started hosting a server back in 2013 on a local machine but the growing demand for a better
connection and 24/7 uptime made them reconsider this small hosting plan. They later that year went over
to actually acquiring a dedicated Teamspeak server from Fragnet but later on switched to what is now a
server entirely run and managed by Hivecom itself.
In retrospect
Hivecom wouldn't be anything without its members though. The server now has a total of about 400 registered
members and is constantly growing. We're incredibly thankful for what we have now considering this all
started with three friends getting together to chat and hang out.
Stay awesome!